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<---- Tris And Agee
First originated in one of the erlier fantasy storys written by K.Price and L.Moore, Tris is a very stong charactor who donates a very motherly figure throughtout the story. Agee is more of a soulseeker who likes to have his own way and who prefures to be alone. Tris and Agee have a breef relationship when they are young and are later reunited, Tris is with child, called Elwing, who is found to be the daughter of Agee. Elwing dies in the battle Saldragos. Tris leaves Agee for the last time towards the end of the story. Tris and Agee never see each other again.
<----- Parcem
Also in one of the erlier additions, Parcem starts of as a young boy who is training to be a fighter (along side Tris) He falls in love with Tris but decides to marry her cousin. Tris comes to his home in search of shelter with her mother, Gleegree, Macey and Elwing. She finds he has married her spitefull cousin and doesn't outstay her welcome. Parcem runs away from his wife with the child. Nothing more is heard of him.

<----- Ash
When Ash enters the fantasy world, where Tris lives, he finds it hard to come to terms with it all. His appearance changes and he is starting to become one of them. In one of the erlier books he had a relationship with Alex before he got caught with her half sister Jess. It was his biggest mistake. Alex threw him out. He was convinsed he still loved her. He kept trying to win her back throughout his life.
<----- Macey
He is a very strong charactor who exists in the fantasy edition along with Tris, Gleegree ect. His strongest point is being able to heal even the dead, he is praised by the village. He is in love with Alex but there are many complications which stop him from expressing his true feelings. If he expresses love it feeds on his strengths and will seece his abilities to heal. Also Alex is in love with Jason and he is with her. Macey exists thoughout all the fantasy editions helping many out a sticky situation. He also teaches at and runs the school for he children in the village. He enjoys life but longs for love.
<----- Alex
Originates from one of the more down to Earth chapters but comes to join Tris along with Ash in the fantasy world.